“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
- Leonard Cohen
Richard Klein
Richard brings presence and insight to his work with clients, along with a capacity to stay attuned to their needs. Richard works with individual clients, couples, and many men.(
Richard completed a four year course of studies in Hakomi , a body centered form of Psychotherapy with Hakomi founder Ron Kurtz and master teacher Jon Eisman in 2001. He specializes in Body Centered Psychotherapy and Couples Therapy. In addition, he completed the mindfulness based stress reduction training ( MBSRT ) with Jon Kabat Zinn in 2008.
Richard has worked as an aquatic therapist, building Canada’s first warm water Watsu pool with his wife Yogita in 2001. He is the director and founder of Mountain Waters Retreats, a wellness retreat centre located three kilometer's from Nelson. Where he facilitates men’s retreats, couples retreats , and leadership trainings for youth climate activists. Richard developed and stewarded the Healing With Addictions Program at Mountain Waters Retreats that was originally taught by Dr Gabor Mate from 2007-2011 , and continued thereafter over a 10 year period until 2017.
In 2017 Richard has completed a two year training program in Relational Somatic Therapy, a body-based form of trauma resolution. . He is presently registered as a therapeutic counsellor with the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada ( ACCT).
Richard is the father of five adult children and has six grandchildren.
My goal is to create an atmosphere of warmth, safety and respect that supports people to courageously tell their story, face what are often difficult emotions, and learn new ways of showing up in their lives so that relationships can be repaired and trauma can be transformed. As a result people are able to consciously move towards the changes they wish to make in their lives. I believe that as we learn to give voice to our experience within the context of a safe, caring, and validating environment, we are able to let go of limiting scripts from the past and access our own authentic truth. As a result move beyond the pain and numbness towards growth, healing and wholeness.
Yogita Bouchard, Somathearpy Counselling, Nelson BC.
Yogita Bouchard
Yogita brings presence and passion to her work with clients.
She has been working in the Health,Wellness, and Personal growth fields since 1995 when she completed a 500 hour training and certification in Acupressure and Chinese medicine. A year later, she began a four year series of professional trainings in Hakomi, a body centered form of Psychotherapy. This was the beginning of a long and meaningful path working with clients through the body, creating the safety to bring healing to the emotional, psychological and trauma content that is often present.
In the year 2000 Yogita began a 6 month training in Prenatal Psychology as an outgrowth of her work as an Aquatic Therapist. She and her husband Richard had opened Canada’s first Watsu aquatic therapy facility. Working with clients in a unique warm water environment allowed for the release of somatic holding patterns while attending relationally to the emotions and the attachment patterns that would at times arise.
In 2014 Yogita graduated from a two year certification program at the MH Viccars School of Massage Therapy. Concurrently she studied mayo-fascial release with John f. Barnes, which helped deepen her understanding of how each person’s unique history is held in their physiology, in a way is often inaccessible to normal cognition. Increasingly her work has moved in the direction of helping clients find freedom and ease in the body by changing the way the past is held in the tissues themselves.
In 2017 Yogita graduated from a 2 year training in Relational Somatic Therapy and has become a certified Therapeutic Counsellor. She was then able to bring her knowledge of the body into her Counselling practice to deepen the love she has for the Body’s infinite Wisdom
She completed a workshop with Sharon Stanley on Spiritual Trauma in 2019. She is presently completing a 2 year Training on Embodied Developmental Shock & Trauma. She has Assisted various Hakomi couples workshop under the guidance of Beth Falch Nielsen.
Completed a workshop on Love Trauma and Healing with Thomas Hubl and Terry Real.
Presently doing a training on Ancestral and Collective Trauma with Thomas Hubl and a training on Spiritual Trauma with Sharon Stanley PhD
We offer you a strong therapeutic container for:
Greater self-understanding
Navigating relationship difficulties
Resolving past trauma
Increased self acceptance
Expanding your sense of life’s possibilities
Opening perspectives.

moving towards peace in yourself
If we want there to be peace in the World, then we have to take responsibility for when our own hearts and minds harden and close.
We have to be brave enough to soften what is rigid,
to find the soft spot and stay with it.
We have to have that kind of courage and take that kind of responsibility.
That’s true spiritual warriorship. That’s the true practice of peace.
- Perma Chaudron